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Put tooth loss behind you with dental implants

Dental Implants in Southampton

If you have experienced tooth loss, then you’ve probably already asked Google what your options are. Scanning through the results you may have come across dental implants in Southampton, the most effective way to treat tooth loss today. At our practice in Southampton, Expert Implants, we’ve helped many patients experience the transformative power of dental implants.

Dental Implants in SouthamptonThe power of dental implants

Dental implants are small titanium screws that act as artificial tooth roots. They are placed directly into the jawbone during a minor surgical procedure, where they proceed to integrate with your jawbone by encouraging the growth of new bone around them. This is what enables them to protect your jawbone from degenerating and your gums from receding, which are both common consequences of long-term denture use.

Custom-made replacement teeth are attached on top of the dental implants to complete the restoration, resulting in a natural look and feel and importantly full dental function. The stability provided by dental implants means no food items are out of bounds.

Can anyone be treated with dental implants in Southampton?

Dental implants are by and large suitable for any adult who has experienced tooth loss and is in good general and oral health. This means any underlying dental issues, such as gum disease or tooth decay, needs to be resolved first. Similarly uncontrolled diabetes needs to be addressed.

Lifestyle factors, namely heavy smoking and drinking, can affect your ability to heal after implant treatment. It is therefore recommended that these habits be greatly reduced.

One of the key factors in determining whether you are ready to receive dental implants in Southampton is the state of your jaw. Your jawbone needs to be strong enough to support the implants. If your jawbone has already lost some of its density and strength as a consequence of tooth loss, there is still hope. We offer procedures, such as bone grafting, to build your jawbone back up. This adds an extra step to your treatment journey but ultimately means your implant treatment is far more likely to be a success.

To find out more and have all your implant questions answered, get in touch with our experienced dental team.

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