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Multiple tooth replacement with Southampton dental implants

Southampton Dental Implants

Maybe you have teeth that you know need replacing soon. You might have several gaps in your smile or, perhaps, you have a normal bridge that you want to replace with something more hard-wearing and permanent. In all these cases, you can consider the idea of multiple tooth replacement with Southampton dental implants at Smilemakers Dental Implant Clinic.

Southampton Dental ImplantsHow do we plan your treatment?

Everyone’s treatment plan is unique, and we’ll craft one to suit your circumstances. The way that we do this starts the same for everyone. You come in for a consultation at Smilemakers Dental Implant Clinic, Southampton. Dental implants are a unique kind of tooth replacement that is anchored directly into your jawbone. We’ll be checking to see how many implants you need and whether your bone can support the forces of chewing that will be applied to your new teeth.

The number of dental implants you need can be dictated by their positions and the strength of your jawbone in the areas where you need implants. Your dentist will be weighing up several factors before suggesting a final figure.

Surprisingly, the number of dental implants you will need isn’t necessarily dependent on the number of teeth that you are missing. A bridge or denture can be fitted to a dental implant to give you multiple teeth on one anchor.

What are the advantages of having multiple teeth replaced at once?

A dental implant treatment is made up of the consultation, fitting and healing period. These are all standard regardless of other nuances that we might talk to you about.

If you have teeth that are nearing the end of their natural life, we may talk to you about replacing everything at the same time. This is because you may not want to go through the multi-step procedure of having dental implants for a few teeth and then do it all again for a few more in the next year or two. At Smilemakers Dental Implant Clinic, we will talk you through your options and help you to make an informed decision about your own course of treatment. We can combine approaches to dental implants to give you a customised solution for your mouth.

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