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In Southampton, dental implants are possible even if you are scared of the dentist

Southampton Dental Implants

Having surgery can be a nerve-wracking process, even if it is dealing with one of our smallest body parts. Dental surgery can cause just as much anxiety as any other kind – in fact, often it can cause more. Around half of all UK adults experience dental phobia of some kind, ranging from a reluctance to book in for a check-up to a full-blown anxiety attack at the thought of sitting in the dentist’s chair. This may be caused by a difficult childhood experience, or a fear of needles or pain.

Southampton Dental ImplantsIf you’ve lost one tooth or more and want to take advantage of the multiple benefits of dental implants but recoil at the thought of surgery, conscious sedation could be the answer.

Here at Expert Implants in Southampton, dental implants can be fitted while patients are under the influence of sedation. It helps to soothe and ease the nervous system.

Sedation isn’t a painkiller – our implant surgeon will still use local anaesthetic at the implant site to numb pain. Sedation acts to calm the nervous system, reducing feelings of anxiety and inducing feelings of relaxation.

We offer sedation in two forms: oral and intravenous. Oral sedation comes in the form of tablets that are taken shortly before the procedure. This method of sedation is good for those whose anxiety includes a fear of needles. If that isn’t the case, you could also opt for intravenous sedation that is injected into the back of the hand. This method gives the implant surgeon the ability to control the flow of sedation throughout the procedure.

With both kinds, you will still be able to speak and answer questions, however you may feel drowsy afterwards and may not remember the operation. It’s necessary to bring someone with you when you have implant surgery, so they can drive you home afterwards.

Fear doesn’t have to mean you miss out on the highly functional and restorative benefits of Southampton dental implants. With sedation, our modern techniques and facilities, and the warm and friendly approach of our clinical and reception staff, it’s possible for you to feel at ease throughout your implant journey.

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