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Gum disease and dental implants in Southampton

Dental Implants in Southampton

You probably already know that untreated gum disease is dangerous for your oral and general health, because it can lead to periodontitis, an advanced type of gum disease that attacks the soft tissue keeping your teeth securely in place. Unfortunately, many patients do not know that their gums are infected as they become too used to their symptoms or may not notice them at all. The truth is that gum disease does not manifest with painful symptoms and for this reason it’s really important have your teeth and gums checked at regular intervals.

Dental Implants in SouthamptonAdvanced gum disease can cause tooth loss. At Smilemakers Dental Implant Clinic, we will use dental implants in Southampton to replace the missing teeth of our patients – whether the result of gum disease or another ailment. At the same time, we will strive to keep the infection from spreading in the first place. As such, patients with active gum disease cannot have dental implants unless they have their gum disease treated. This is because gum disease can delay the healing process and create an environment that increases the risk of infection around the sites of the dental implants.

Regulating gum disease

Patients with gum disease who wish to have dental implants in Southampton should arrange treatment prior to their implant surgery. Once the gum disease is removed, we will examine your teeth and help you determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants in Southampton.

Our dentist will primarily assess the amount of gum and bone tissue in your mouth. If your jawbone tissue is severely deteriorated, we will present to you alternative options involving dental implants. If dental implants are not possible, we will suggest different treatments that may be more compatible. Our main aim is to ensure that your jawbone is strong enough for receiving the dental implants.

We can help

Do you have active gum disease and you want to have dental implants in Southampton? We may be able to help. If you want to learn more about this treatment and what we can do about your oral health, contact us today.

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