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Technology and Southampton dental implants

Southampton Dental Implants

More and more people are turning to Southampton dental implants to restore their lost teeth. Dental implants may have been around for more than 30 years now but as the latest generation of tooth restoration methods, dental researchers are constantly finding new ways to use them and ways to make them more available. The technology that goes with them continues to evolve too, and here at Expert Implants, we make a point of having what we consider the most modern and useful of the stream of technological innovations to hand.

Southampton Dental ImplantsCT scanner

When you come to Expert Implants for Southampton dental implants, you can expect to find that our practice principal Thomas Darling will be using a CT scanner to plan where to place your dental implants. It isn’t so long ago that you would only find CT scanners in hospitals, so we consider having one at our clinic something of a coup. The scanner helps Thomas plan where to put the artificial sockets that your dental implants will go into. It shows him where your blood vessels and nerves are so that he can avoid them. It also shows whether you have any areas of bone that are not as strong and dense, so that he can place the implants where they will be best supported by healthy bone.

This is backed up by x-rays and impressions as well as photographs. We want to be able to give you porcelain crowns that resemble your natural teeth so the impressions and photographs are particularly helpful for this.

Placing your implants

The process can be carried out very comfortably under a local anaesthetic, and we will be using modern equipment to do so. If you are nervous about the procedure, you may find that having sedation is a good way to relax.

The healing process

It takes a good few weeks for the Southampton dental implants to integrate with your jawbone. During this time, the titanium of the implants will encourage new bone tissue, including blood vessels, to grow all over the surface of the implant. This is what holds the implants in place.

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